
A Project for the Niger-Delta

Building Sustainable Livelihoods, Empowering Communities

The Livelihood Improvement Family Enterprises Project for the Niger Delta (LIFE-ND) is a project of the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) designed in collaboration with International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC). The project is in response to the limited readily available options for the “disadvantaged” (youth and women) in the rural and suburban communities to improve their means of livelihood and help them to live decent lives. LIFE-ND promotes community-based on-farm and off-farm business activities along key agricultural value chain as a mechanism for job and wealth creation amongst unemployed and underemployed youths and women-headed households.
Rural Prosperity

A project for the Niger Delta

About us

The LIFE-ND Project adopts a Incubator model at the community level of the Local Government Areas, targeting core commodities of comparative advantage in such communities. LIFE-ND community beneficiaries are identified, trained and supported in different segments of Agriculture along the entire value chain. This support includes access to affordable agricultural inputs for sustainable production, agro-processing & packaging, transportation and link to competitive financing and markets. Through the LIFE Project, a robust production to marketing system that reduces food wastage and increase farm earnings for rural families is ensured.

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Our Value

Building a Future of Empowered Communities

At LIFE-ND, we are driven by the vision of a thriving Niger Delta where youth and women lead sustainable agricultural enterprises that create jobs, boost food security, and transform lives.
Our Approach

We believe in hands-on, practical learning through mentorship and incubation, turning ideas into thriving agribusinesses.

Our Impact

Transforming rural communities by empowering youth and women to achieve economic independence through sustainable agriculture.

Our Commitment

Driving food security, poverty reduction, and community development across the Niger Delta region.